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Blood Pressure Formulation Combo™

Blood Pressure Formulation Combo™

Bell Distributors
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  • Helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels.*
  • Garlic is used in herbal medicine to maintain cardiovascular health in adults.*
  • Used in herbal medicine to help reduce blood lipid levels/hyperlipidemia in adults.*
  • Our Blood Pressure Formulation Combo is formulated with health-enhancing herbs and Naticol� 1000 Marine Collagen (a source of fish peptides).
  • Provides antioxidants to help protect cells from free radicals.
  • Garlic is used in herbal medicine to help relieve the symptoms associated with upper respiratory tract infections and catarrhal conditions.*
  • GMO free.
  • Must help or money refunded.

Although��some��medications can lower blood pressure,��they may also cause side effects such as dizziness and insomnia. Fortunately, you can also maintain��your blood pressure��naturally. Our Blood Pressure Formulation Combo is a natural alternative to help support your health. It unites Naticol� 1000 Marine Collagen (a source of fish peptides) with health-enhancing herbs, backed by centuries of traditional use.*

Fish peptides are bioactive food-based proteins believed to perform important physiological functions within the body. Researchers have suggested that among these functions, fish peptides appear to support the circulatory system��and maintain healthy blood pressure levels.*

The combination of fish peptides with beneficial herbal extracts for blood pressure, like passionflower, green coffee bean extract��and pomegranate, make��the Blood Pressure��Formulation Combo a��unique formulation that offers nutritional support for your overall cardiovascular health and well-being.*

* Results may vary from one person to another.

Ingredients: Green coffee bean extract (Coffea canephora) (seed) (50% chlorogenic acids) 167 mg, Celery extract 10:1 (Apium graveolens) (seed) 100 mg, Garlic extract 10:1 (Allium sativa) (bulb) 100 mg, Naticol� 1000 Marine Collagen (source of fish peptides) 100 mg, Parsley extract 10:1 (Petroselinum crispum) (leaf) 75 mg, Passionflower extract 10:1 (Passiflora incarnata) (herb)��75 mg, Barberry extract (97% berberine) (berberis vulgaris) (root)��35 mg, Pomegranate extract (40% ellagic acid) (Punica granatum) (fruit)��35 mg.

Suggested Use: Adults: Take 3-4 capsules, once daily with water. Take a few hours before or after taking medications.