- * Contains deep purple Scandinavian blueberries* Nourishes the macula in the center of the eye* Helps maintain eyesight in conditions of age-relatedmacular degeneration and cataracts
Helps maintain eyesight in conditions such as cataracts and AMD
- Blue Berry Strong contains a spectrum of intense colored pigments and high concentrations of blueberry and lutein that can help early stages of AMD, cataracts and general eye health. Blue Berry Strong contient une vari?t? de pigments intense avec des concentrations ?lev?es de myrtille et de lut?ine aide a contribu? et Ă maintenir une bonne sant? de la macula de l'Ĺ“il, dans des conditions telles que la cataracte et la DMLA.
- Canadian
- GMO Free
- Vegan
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) fruit 5:1, equivalent to 2000mg dried fruit...400mg - Lutein (Tagetes erecta L. (flower))..5mg Myrtille (Bleuet europe´en)(V. myrtillus L.) (Fruit) 5:1, equivalent to 2000 mg dried fruit ...400mgLute´ine (Tagetes erecta L.) (Fleur)...5mg
Recommended DosageTake 2 tablets daily with a meal. Prendre 2 comprime´s par jour avec un repas.